Thursday, January 30, 2014

Ole Purple Hat  --  Day 30 of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge

Ole Purple Hat
Pastel  5x7

Two things I can hardly comprehend--that January is almost over and that the 30 Day Challenge has ended.  When I signed up for these challenges (this being my second one), it seems so daunting, but once I get "into it", it just flies by and I've enjoyed both of them SO much!!!  I benefit so much from participating in these challenges--growth in painting ability, confidence, meeting new people, hearing from ole friends and much more.  Now that it's over, there will be benefits too--such as a cleaner house, hot meals, etc. but I'd rather paint!

Oh, back to Ole Purple Hat--I was just looking for an excuse to use my beautiful purples, blues, pinks and he just dressed up so nicely in those girlie colors.  So guys, you need to take note.  Maybe you need to shake up your wardrobes and add a little spice to your life.  Color is a good thing--never shy away from it!  Try it--you'll like it!  Look how handsome he looks!

You are ALL so wonderful to have visited with me every single day for an entire month.  It made me want to be sure I didn't miss a day and that I delivered something that would, hopefully, brighten your day and bring a smile.  You kept me going when other things were pulling me away, and made me want to take time to paint and post.  You cannot possibly know what an impact you have on me and my art.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!! 

Don't go away--there will be more!


  1. Thank you Denise!!! I appreciate your being so diligent in commenting each day on my posts. I sincerely appreciate it!!!
